Sunday, December 16, 2012

King's Birthday Celebration

December 6, 2012 was the King's birthday here in Thailand, providing Legacy's students and staff with a much needed holiday. So, we decided to pack all 22 students and staff into the sung tao and one motorbike and head to a nearby lake for picnic and games.

There was quite a bit of preparation for the outing, and the students prepared all of the food for our picnic. Each portion was wrapped in banana leaves. The ajans were so excited to learn how to prepare the leaves!

First, you have to burn the outside of the leaves to make them flexible.

Then, clean and cut the leaves so you can wrap portions of food.

Making the food was fun, and all the girls helped to cook.
Vegetables with sticky rice flour went into banana leaves and were steamed to make a delicious dish.
We also had banana packets filled with sticky rice, chicken and black beans with some delicious chili sauce.

After all the food was made, we packed up and went to the lake!

Lake Huey Tung Tao!

We had fun playing relay games on the lakeside.

We ate delicious food.

And then, we went swimming!

The King's birthday was a special treat here at Legacy. The students and staff had time to take a day off and enjoy each others company. Most students had never been to Huey Tung Tao, although it was only 6 km away from the school. It was a fun and uplifting afternoon for everyone.