Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Newbies!

Last, but not least, I would like to introduce you to our newbies-- the first year students. What a daunting life they lead! They voluntarily come to a school where the teachers are all foreigners (they love this, by the way) and all the classes are taught in English from day 1. A scary thought in my opinion. So here are these brave, new individuals we are growing to know and love.

Namu enjoys being with her family.

Jatah who is our youngest student.

Atima is kind of quiet still. I'm sure this will change.

Saree likes to play soccer and attempts to stay awake during Bible class, which is in the heat of the day.

Jaju is a quiet observer.

Ben has an amazing voice, sweet personality and attempts to use her English any chance she gets.

MaTee loves all sports and using his English. He's always happy. He does have a fault - he was against the US in the World Cup. Boo!

Mhuay likes to play Phase 10 and keep the boys in line.

Soda says her English isn't good, but she is trying and it's fun to talk to her. She'll get it.

Gila is one of the sweetest girls I have ever met. She loves to try to talk to all the teachers.

Spy is good friends with Soda. They love to sit, chit chat and listen to music. I like to hang out with them to try and improve my Thai. They are in the process of trying to convince me to stay at Legacy until they graduate.

Boy seemed very scared when I first met him. He is improving greatly on a daily basis.

Pim is sweet. She knows more than she leads on to understand.

I have the privilege of teaching them Bible class. I get to put to use my elementary teacher training in that class, which I love. We play games, draw and many other things. I know it doesn't sound like a Bible class, but we are trying to get them to know/ memorize some of the basics they either do not know or just not in the English language. It's a foundation for all of the other Bible classes at Legacy.

I'm excited to see how these students grow and prosper throughout the year. It's always fun to see their personalities once they begin to know more English. They will definitely get to that point, but it will take lots of determination, hard work, persistence and possibly even some sweat and tears.

You have now met Legacy's class of 2013.

-Aj. Elainea

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